I couldn't think of a better headline for this post. I tried coming up with something snazzy and cool. But, I'm just not in that kind of mood right now. I'm kind of in a weird head space right now. It's not negative or necessarily ...
bad. I'm just in a "
okay, Josh it's time to buckle down and get focused on your fitness and running now" mood. I'm sure others can relate even if I can't properly articulate it.
I'll cut to the meat of this post. So, here are some realities of the moment.
- 2022 was the happiest, most challenging and rewarding year of my life to date. I gained, and regained, many friendships, lost friendships I valued more than what was reciprocated and of course -- found my eternal companion, my best friend, MaryAnn.
- My running was a struggle despite doing three half marathons, a handful of 10Ks and a bunch of 5Ks.
- My fitness is all over the place because of many factors -- everything that comes with marriage, a few recurring issues from my accident and ... simply not giving it a high priority amongst all the change going on in my life.
- My weight crept a tad over 300lbs. for the first time in a 6-7 years, which has me in a weird headspace of not worrying about it (trying to figure out why?).
- I need a plan.
Okay, so where do I go from here?
Well, probably on that last point? I need a plan. Plans have gotten away from me over the past three years or so. After my accident it's been really tough to find a rhythm. I've played -- too many -- head games with myself to the point of exhaustion. Anyone who's gone through a similar situation knows the games.
That is why I recently made a switch in therapists. Not that my last therapist was bad, but she helped navigate me through a lot of my changes last year. This new one specializes in athletic performance and mindset, which is something I feel like I need some help with getting back into the swing of running where I want to be.
So there's that.
Then there's the diet and training plan. I am not going to lay the whole plan out here, that's a post for another day. And, really something that I need to dive deeper into, because there's a lot more context needed for a full picture.
But, in the process of shaking things up I also changed doctors this past year as well. It was kind of out of convenience considering I moved from Bountiful to South Jordan, but I really wanted -- and needed -- fresher eyes on my health cart.
I did a little extra homework on my new doctor because I wanted someone that not only understood what was going on with my thyroid and all of that, but someone who was also a runner. I know that sounds a little weird in the scheme of things, but I feel like having a doctor who GETS that aspect of your life, the easier it is for them to help you tackle issues at hand. I never want running to not be a part of my life and having a doctor who runs is just a part of that goal.
Since I was very selective on my doctor it took a while for me to get into see him. It was only a few weeks ago so switches we made on meds haven't fully taken affect yet. But, I am beginning to feel a difference, a positive difference, which is a good sign.
I have also lost about 10-15lbs. since the last doctor visit. I am not too worried about my weight, because I know what it takes to get that under control. However, the hardest part for me is finding -- AND STICKING -- to a diet plan that works for me.
And, it's funny because my doctor echoed pretty much the same sediment. I asked him if there was a certain diet plan he recommended considering I've tried a plethora of diets over the years. And, he pretty much said, it doesn't matter as long you stick to something and do it.
If I have learned anything over the last 12-13 since I began this journey it's that -- it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do it. I think I forgot that a bit over the past several years because I was kind of pigeon-toed in my thinking of what I felt I could do because of injuries, etc. But, the key action word here is -- do.
Point taken.
These reminders have been much needed and with February now here it's probably best that I put those in action. I have some lofty goals this year, mainly a marathon. So there's a lot of work to do. But, I need this challenge and focus to keep me accountable and working toward a better tomorrow (as cheesy as that sounds).
Expect more soon.