28 February 2023

Proxy 23

This past weekend I ran my first race of 2023 -- the Rock n' Roll Las Vegas 10K. I will do a full review of the race on this week's episode of The Party in the Back and a blog post later this week. But, I wanted to write a LITTLE about an idea and goal I made this weekend.

Every race I do this year I am going to run it in proxy for someone.

I'll admit, I am still formulating this goal, mainly because I made the goal literally a hour before Sunday's race. I got the idea from a couple of pretty profound moments I've had at this race the past couple of years and from Coach Blu's example as well. This goal isn't anything new, but I've never done it and quite honestly is something I feel that I need to get focused and motivated in my training.

So here are the basic rules I drew up in my head at Sunday's startline.

  • Every race -- 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, relay, fun run, etc. -- I will run in memory, honor or in assistance of someone who passed or can't run. 
  • There's no set list of what races will be with those I am running proxy for -- yet. I am going to sit down see how I want to determine each race. I do know that my Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon race will be for my friend Robert Merriman, that one was set within minutes of me making the goal this weekend.
  • I want my proxy list to be for both of those who have passed and even for the living. But, I really want to push a few assisted athletes in some of the races either as a proxy for their legs or with them in memory of others.
These could change a bit. But, that's the base of what I'd like to do.

During Sunday's race my first proxy runner was my friend Robert Merkley. I chose him for a couple of reasons -- one, he's been on my mind lately and, two, these are the kind of races Robert loved. I don't know if he ever did the Rock n' Roll Series, but he loved to travel and did a number of Disney races. 

I started the race running with my Addict II Athlete team -- Coach Blu, Marissa, Max, KP and Holly. But, as we dispersed and group together I ended up running the race with Holly and .... it was just what I needed, especially spending the time talking to her about her story. It's something that Robert would have done.

It was a really special moment for me.

I will probably make a page somewhere here on my blog where I will schedule and track my proxy running. But, in the meantime, I am working on my race schedule and more eager than ever to get out there and run for those who can't.

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