21 July 2023

Reflections on 180 ...


Today is a special day for me. It was five years ago today that I ran my 180th race of my goal to run 180 races over 13.1 miles. It's honestly a little difficult writing this without getting a little emotional. First, I can't believe it's been five years since the race, but looking at the above picture I see many faces no longer here. That hurts and hits the most.

When I started that journey in July 2011 I made the goal to run 180 races over 13.1 miles for a number of reasons. One, I had at that time lost 180lbs. from my heaviest weight and, two, I wanted to challenge myself beyond checking out a half marathon or a marathon on a proverbial bucket list. I knew I needed a goal that made running more of a lifestyle than a goal. 

Me after my first half marathon in 2011.
What I didn't expect was finding an amazing community with friendships I wouldn't have ever made without undertaking this audacious goal. I was greeted by my sister and brother-in-law at the finish line of my first half marathon. They took some pictures, I grabbed a banana and then went home. Fast forward seven years later and ... I'm overwhelmed. So many people, so many friends, so much love. I wish I could aptly describe those feelings and emotions.

It was an amazing moment.

I had a lot of friends that put a lot of effort into making this a special experience for me. And, boy did they deliver! Trinity made 180 race shirts for not just me but everyone who wanted one, including my family, while Lizz secretly hand delivered the shirts. Then Jill and Amanda made signs with motivational quotes and sayings that they posted throughout the whole race. They really made it special.

Me and my Diet Dr. Pepper
But, what made it truly special was that a number of friends ran alongside me throughout the whole race. I remember joking that I felt like Forrest Gump and his running groupies. We all took turns pushing Reese in his sports chair, we helped a hand cyclist that totally biffed it on Legacy Parkway and then stopped at Maverik at Mile 11 for Diet Dr. Pepper and ICEEs. It truly was an adventure.

Then that last mile was ... was ... something else. I remember taking my thoughts inward and reflecting about the entirety of the journey. I got reflecting about my first race, my first marathon, my 50 miler and this race. I got thinking about those not there namely Robert Merriman who had passed a few months prior. It was a lot of emotion to process.

It wasn't long before I turned the corner toward the finish line to a corral of people specifically there to see me. I was overwhelmed. It's overwhelming even now retelling the moment. Being surrounded by family and friends at the completion of this goal made for a perfect moment.

Then of course as I ran through a paper wall to the finish line I was greeted by my mom and a pie, which went right to my face. A scene I was somewhat surprised she didn't repeat at my wedding. But, it was perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

Don, Russ, Sheri and I with our Maverik drinks!
Since that day my running journey has been interesting to say the least. For about a year before Race 180 I had been dealing with foot issues which I found out the following year was a torn tendon and bone spur. So I had surgery on that in December 2019.

Then I got hit by a car the following month, which I won't go into detail here. But, needless to say, that accident caused knee issues that I've had treated with injections and a lot of PT. All of that messed with me mentally, especially having gone from running ultras to having a hard time finishing a 5K within just a few years. The past five years have been hard.

But, on the flip side of that I am in a much better place, especially with MaryAnn by my side. Not only that, but now having a father-in-law that is also a running buddy means the world. It was the kind of bonus I never expected out of marriage. I couldn't be in a better place.

I still have a few people ask what my next goal is? Well, over the past five years it's been hard to answer that question because of health issues. And, I'm still rebounding from those, not to mention the first year of marriage. But, I've been able to cut 40lbs. and I am feeling much stronger, so I am very optimistic about what the upcoming year will be like for me with consistent training.

But, yeah, with that said ... I dunno?

The finish line! 180!

My goal each year since hitting 180 has been to at least do Revel Big Cottonwood. I've done the marathon four times before, but not since 2016. I think next year I really want to do 26.2 again. But, I also want to run a 100 miles at least once. I kind of gave up on the that dream a couple years ago, but it still nags at me at times. That's just a lot of build up and training. 

But, as much as I would love to have a tangible goal to work towards like I did with 180, I really want to grow old with running as best as I can. I am turning 42 in a month and I really want to see myself doing this well into my 50s and 60s if I can manage it. To what extent? That's a good question. But, if I could hobble through some 5Ks at 70 or 80 I'll take it.

I've learned though goals are goals, but what makes them worthwhile and meaningful is the people around you. I want to keep running because I want a reason to be with my friends. I want to cultivate friendships yet realized. I want to be with people, my friends, in a sport that has truly changed my life. 

Is there no other better goal?

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